Results for 'Gerard A. J. M. Jagers Op Akkerhuis'

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  1. Towards a Hierarchical Definition of Life, the Organism, and Death.Gerard A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (3):245-262.
    Despite hundreds of definitions, no consensus exists on a definition of life or on the closely related and problematic definitions of the organism and death. These problems retard practical and theoretical development in, for example, exobiology, artificial life, biology and evolution. This paper suggests improving this situation by basing definitions on a theory of a generalized particle hierarchy. This theory uses the common denominator of the “operator” for a unified ranking of both particles and organisms, from elementary particles to animals (...)
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    Operators, the Lego-bricks of nature: Evolutionary transitions from fermions to neural networks.Gerard A. J. M. Jagers Op Akkerhuis & Nico van Straalen - 1999 - World Futures 53 (4):329-345.
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    Explaining the Origin of Life is not Enough for a Definition of Life.Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):327-329.
    The comments focus on a presumed circular reasoning in the operator hierarchy and the necessity of understanding life’s origin for defining life. Below it is shown that its layered structure prevents the operator hierarchy from circular definitions. It is argued that the origin of life is an insufficient basis for a definition of life that includes multicellular and neural network organisms.
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    Towards a hierarchical definition of life, the organism, and death.Gerard Ajm Jagers Op Akkerhuis - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (3):245-262.
  5.  19
    Extrapolating a Hierarchy of Building Block Systems Towards Future Neural Network Organisms.Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (3):171-189.
    It is possible to predict future life forms? In this paper it is argued that the answer to this question may well be positive. As a basis for predictions a rationale is used that is derived from historical data, e.g. from a hierarchical classification that ranks all building block systems, that have evolved so far. This classification is based on specific emergent properties that allow stepwise transitions, from low level building blocks to higher level ones. This paper shows how this (...)
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    The Issue of “Closure” in Jagers op Akkerhuis’s Operator Theory.Nico M. van Straalen - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):319-321.
    Attempts to define life should focus on the transition from molecules to cells and the “closure” aspects of this event. Rather than classifying existing objects into living and non-living entities I believe the challenge is to understand how the transition from non-life to life can take place, that is, the how the closure in Jagers op Akkerhuis’s hierarchical classification of operators, comes about.
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  7. From Management Systems to Corporate Social Responsibility.Gerard I. J. M. Zwetsloot - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (2-3):201-208.
    At the start of the 21st century, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seems to have great potential for innovating business practices with a positive impact on People, Planet and Profit. In this article the differences between the management systems approach of the nineties, and Corporate Social Responsibility are analysed.An analysis is structured around three business principles that are relevant for CSR and management systems: (1) doing things right the first time, (2) doing the right things, and (3) continuous improvement and innovation. (...)
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    Identifying and ranking attributes that determine sustainability in Dutch dairy farming.Klaas J. Van Calker, Paul B. M. Berentsen, Gerard W. J. Giesen & Ruud B. M. Huirne - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):53-63.
    Recent developments in agriculture have stirred up interest in the concept of “sustainable” farming systems. Still it is difficult to determine the extent to which certain agricultural practices can be considered sustainable or not. Aiming at identifying the necessary attributes with respect to sustainability in Dutch dairy farming in the beginning of the third millennium, we first compiled a list of attributes referring to all farming activities with their related side effects with respect to economic, internal social, external social, and (...)
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  9.  23
    Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011.Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler (eds.) - 2007 - The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
    This volume collects papers that were presented at the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium 2011 in Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria. They focus on five key debates in contemporary epistemology: Does the term "to know" vary its meaning according to features of the contexts in which it is uttered? What role may "epistemic virtues" play in our cognitive activities? What is the surplus value of having knowledge instead of mere true belief? What is the structure and significance of testimonial knowledge and (...)
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    The usefulness of lean six sigma to the development of a clinical pathway for hip fractures.Gerard C. Niemeijer, Elvira Flikweert, Albert Trip, Ronald J. M. M. Does, Kees T. B. Ahaus, Anja F. Boot & Klaus W. Wendt - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):909-914.
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    Bradley Conditionals and Dynamic Choice.Simon M. Huttegger & Gerard J. Rothfus - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6585-6599.
    One of the main contributions of Richard Bradley’s book is an elegant extension of Jeffrey’s Logic of Decision that countenances the evaluation of conditional prospects. This extension offers a promising new setting in which to model dynamic choice. In Bradley’s framework, plans can be understood as conditionals of an appropriate sort, while dynamic consistency can be viewed as providing a constraint on the evaluation of conditionals across time. In this paper, we study connections between planning conditionals and dynamic consistency.
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    Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Michael Amaladoss S. J., Roberto Catalano, Francis X. Clooney S. J., Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Richard Girardin, Roger Haight S. J., Sallie B. King, Vladimir Latinovic, Leo D. Lefebure, Archbishop Felix Machado, Gerard Mannion, Alexander E. Massad, Sandra Mazzolini, Dawn M. Nothwehr O. S. F., John T. Pawlikowski O. S. M., Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Ray, William Skudlarek O. S. B., Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Jason Welle O. F. M. & Taraneh R. Wilkinson (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses how Vatican II opened up the Catholic Church to encounter, dialogue, and engagement with other world religions. Opening with a contribution from the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, it next explores the impact, relevance, and promise of the Declaration Nostra Aetate before turning to consider how Vatican II in general has influenced interfaith dialogue and the intellectual and comparative study of world religions in the postconciliar decades, as well as the contribution (...)
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    Books briefly noted.Gerard Casey, Dermot Moran, Manuel de Pinedo, Gary Elkins & Rom Harr - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (1):217 – 224.
    Educating the Virtues David Carr Routledge, 1991. Pp. 304. ISBN 0?415?05746?9. £35. The Philosophical Theology of St Thomas Aquinas By Leo J. Elders E. J. Brill, 1990. Pp. 332. ISBN 0?04?09156?4. $74.36. The State and Justice: An Essay in Political Theory By Milton Fisk Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. x + 391. ISBN 0?521?38966?6. £10.95 pbk. Perspectives on Language and Thought: Interrelations in Development Edited by S. A. Gelman and J. P. Byrnes Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xii + 524. (...)
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  14. Index of Authors of Volume 11.P. Blackburn, A. Bochman, T. Clausing, P. Dekker, J. Engelfriet, D. M. Gabbay, F. Giunchiglia, J. M. Goñimenoyo, G. Jäger & T. M. V. Janssen - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (519):519.
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    Jaap Mansfeld & David.Gérard Journée - 2011 - Philosophie Antique 11:247-250.
    Annoncé depuis plus de dix ans, ce second volume des Aëtiana de J. Mansfeld et D. Runia (M&R) propose la première reconstruction de l’ouvrage doxographique d’Aétius depuis celle de Diels, limitée pour le moment au livre II. L’ouvrage est divisé en deux tomes dont le premier comporte des études générales, dues à J. Mansfeld, sur Aétius et plus généralement sur la doxographie (je n’en rendrai pas spécifiquement compte ici) ; le second a été rédigé par D. Runia. Mais les auteurs, (...)
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    The agent intellect in Rahner and Aquinas.R. M. Burns - 1988 - Heythrop Journal 29 (4):423–449.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Philosophical Assessment of Theology: Essays in Honour of Frederick C. Copleston. Edited by Gerard J. Hughes. Language, Meaning and God: Essays in Honour of Herbert McCabe OP. Edited by Brian Davies. God Matters. By Herbert McCabe. Philosophies of History: A Critical Essay. By Rolf Gruner. The ‘Phaedo’: A Platonic Labyrinth. By Ronna Burger. Lessing's ‘Ugly Ditch’: A Study of Theology and History. By Gordon E. Michalson, Jr. Peirce. By Christopher Hookway. Frege: Tradition and (...)
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  17. Making productive use of students' initial conceptions in developing the concept of force.Peter J. J. M. Dekkers & Gerard D. Thijs - 1998 - Science Education 82 (1):31-51.
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  18. Mathematics of Language 10/11, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6149.C. Ebert, G. Jäger, M. Kracht & J. Michaelis (eds.) - 2010 - Springer.
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  19. Kripke models for linear logic.Gerard Allwein & J. Michael Dunn - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):514-545.
    We present a Kripke model for Girard's Linear Logic (without exponentials) in a conservative fashion where the logical functors beyond the basic lattice operations may be added one by one without recourse to such things as negation. You can either have some logical functors or not as you choose. Commutatively and associatively are isolated in such a way that the base Kripke model is a model for noncommutative, nonassociative Linear Logic. We also extend the logic by adding a coimplication operator, (...)
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  20.  22
    The Place of the Money Bag in the Secular-Mendicant Controversy at Paris.O. F. M. Robert J. Karris - 2010 - Franciscan Studies 68 (1):21-38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Place of the Money Bag in the Secular-Mendicant Controversy at ParisRobert J. Karris O.F.M. (bio)Money bag, money bag. So many Bible-reading Christians don't know of your existence. In their defense I note that you are only mentioned twice in the entire New Testament: John 12:6 and 13:29. If faithful Bible-reading Christians don't know of your existence, what is your fate among the faithful who are less than faithful?! (...)
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    Computer Science Logic. CSL’92, San Miniato, Italy. Selected Papers.Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning, Simone Martini & Michael M. Richter (eds.) - 1993 - Springer.
    This volume presents the proceedings of the Computer Science Logic Workshop CSL '92, held in Pisa, Italy, in September/October 1992. CSL '92 was the sixth of the series and the first one held as Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). Full versions of the workshop contributions were collected after their presentation and reviewed. On the basis of 58 reviews, 26 papers were selected for publication, and appear here in revised final form. Topics covered in the (...)
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    Three assistants on Boltzmann.Gustav Jäger, Josef Nabl & Stephan Meyer - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):69-84.
    The three demi-articles presented here would give a brief biographical account of Ludwig Boltzmann’s life plus some details about his Vienna laboratories first in the 1860’s in the Erdberg and second in Türkenstrasse from 1894. Josef Nabl’s account discusses J. J. Thomson’s Laboratory in Cambridge, which allows a provisional comparison between two different largely contemporary institutes. Nabl’s second letter also mentions Lord Kelvin’s late rejection of the kinetic gas theory of Maxwell and Boltzmann, rejection which on top of the negative (...)
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    Computer Science Logic 5th Workshop, Csl '91, Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991 : Proceedings'.Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning & Michael M. Richter - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume presents the proceedings of the workshop CSL '91 (Computer Science Logic) held at the University of Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991. This was the fifth in a series of annual workshops on computer sciencelogic (the first four are recorded in LNCS volumes 329, 385, 440, and 533). The volume contains 33 invited and selected papers on a variety of logical topics in computer science, including abstract datatypes, bounded theories, complexity results, cut elimination, denotational semantics, infinitary queries, Kleene algebra (...)
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    Bidirectional Optimization from Reasoning and Learning in Games.Michael Franke & Gerhard Jäger - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (1):117-139.
    We reopen the investigation into the formal and conceptual relationship between bidirectional optimality theory (Blutner in J Semant 15(2):115–162, 1998 , J Semant 17(3):189–216, 2000 ) and game theory. Unlike a likeminded previous endeavor by Dekker and van Rooij (J Semant 17:217–242, 2000 ), we consider signaling games not strategic games, and seek to ground bidirectional optimization once in a model of rational step-by-step reasoning and once in a model of reinforcement learning. We give sufficient conditions for equivalence of bidirectional (...)
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    Choice principles, the bar rule and autonomously iterated comprehension schemes in analysis.S. Feferman & G. Jäger - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (1):63-70.
    In [10] Friedman showed that is a conservative extension of <ε0for-sentences wherei= min, i.e.,i= 2, 3, 4 forn= 0, 1, 2 +m. Feferman [5], [7] and Tait [11], [12] reobtained this result forn= 0, 1 and even with instead of. Feferman and Sieg established in [9] the conservativeness of over <ε0for-sentences for alln. In each paper, different methods of proof have been used. In particular, Feferman and Sieg showed how to apply familiar proof-theoretical techniques by passing through languages with Skolem (...)
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    Brittle fracture during folding of rocks: A finite element study.P. Jäger, S. M. Schmalholz, D. W. Schmid & E. Kuhl - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (28-29):3245-3263.
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    Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform.Gérard Bonnet, Mary Canning, Kai-Ming Cheng, Terry J. Crooks, Luis Crouch, Ori Eyal, Eva Forsberg, Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew, Ratna Ghosh, Martin Gustafsson, Batia P. Horsky, Dan Inbar, Barbara M. Kehm, Stephen T. Kerr, Allan Luke, Ulf P. Lundgren, Robert W. McMeekin, Adam Nir, Peter Schrag, Hasan Simsek, Ryo Watanabe, Alison Wolf & Ali Yildirim (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform is an invaluable resource for policymakers, faculty, students, and anyone interested in how decisions made about the education system ultimately affect the quality of education, educational access, and social justice.
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    Ethiek redt beschaving!Gerard J. H. M. Pijnenburg - 1946 - Heide-Kalmthout,: Dienen.
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  29. John Henry Newman: Universal Revelation (Francis McGrath, foreword by Gerard Tracey).J. M. I. Klaver - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (4):519-519.
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  30. Docentenbestendig lesmateriaal (boekbespreking van Prick, LGM, Onderwijs op de divan: een ontdekkingsreis).J. M. Waterreus - 2000 - Idee 21 (2):30.
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    Kennisoverdracht in continu samenspel. Frans van Vught op zoek naar ondernemende studenten.J. M. Waterreus - 2000 - Idee 21 (4):12-15.
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    Selective citation in the literature on swimming in chlorinated water and childhood asthma: a network analysis.Maurice P. Zeegers, Lex M. Bouter, Gerard M. H. Swaen, Miriam J. E. Urlings & Bram Duyx - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundKnowledge development depends on an unbiased representation of the available evidence. Selective citation may distort this representation. Recently, some controversy emerged regarding the possible impact of swimming on childhood asthma, raising the question about the role of selective citation in this field. Our objective was to assess the occurrence and determinants of selective citation in scientific publications on the relationship between swimming in chlorinated pools and childhood asthma.MethodsWe identified scientific journal articles on this relationship via a systematic literature search. The (...)
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  33. Plato: Complete Works.J. M. Cooper (ed.) - 1997 - Hackett.
    Outstanding translations by leading contemporary scholars--many commissioned especially for this volume--are presented here in the first single edition to include the entire surviving corpus of works attributed to Plato in antiquity. In his introductory essay, John Cooper explains the presentation of these works, discusses questions concerning the chronology of their composition, comments on the dialogue form in which Plato wrote, and offers guidance on approaching the reading and study of Plato's works. Also included are concise introductions by Cooper and Hutchinson (...)
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    The Psychobiology of Consciousness.J. M. Davidson & Richard J. Davidson (eds.) - 1980 - Plenum.
    CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE BRAIN SELF-REGULATION PARADOX The relationship of consciousness to biology has intrigued mankind thoroughout recorded history. However, little progress has been made not only in understanding these issues but also in raising fundamental questions central to the problem. As Davidson and Davidson note in their introduction, William James suggested, almost a century ago in his Principles of Psychology, that the brain was the organ of mind and be havior. James went so far as to suggest that the remainder (...)
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    Franciscan Writings: Hope amid Ecological Sin and Climate Emergency, by Dawn M. Nothwehr.Gerard J. Ryan - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (2):413-414.
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    Rights.J. M. Bernstein - 2020 - In Ann Laura Stoler, Stathis Gourgouris & Jacques Lezra, Thinking with Balibar: A Lexicon of Conceptual Practice. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 230-252.
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    The Lives of Animals.J. M. Coetzee - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Discusses animal rights through essays, fiction, and fables from a variety of perspectives in fields such as philosophy, religion, and science.
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    Prescriptivism in theory and in practice: The moral philosophy of R. M. Hare.Gerard J. Hughes & J. S. - 1973 - Heythrop Journal 14 (2):136–146.
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    Zerafa, Peter Paul, OP, The Wisdom of God in the Book of Job. [REVIEW]J. M. Guirau - 1979 - Augustinianum 19 (2):365-365.
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    A propos du livre "Le conflit sarrois 1945-1955" de M.J. Freymond.Gérard Deleixhe - 1961 - Res Publica 3 (2):176-180.
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    Understanding.J. M. Moravcsik - 1979 - Dialectica 33 (3‐4):201-216.
    SummaryIt is shown that the concept of understanding cannot be reduced to a combination of knowing that, knowing how, and knowledge by acquaintence. First, it is shown that understanding and knowledge have different objects. Then “understanding what” is analyzed along Aristotelian lines. In the central part of the paper it is shown that understanding objects defined by constitutive rules involves a non‐propositional component. This notion of “understanding” is shown to cut across the humanist‐scientist dichotomy.
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  42. Public knowledge: an essay concerning the social dimension of science.J. M. Ziman - 1968 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    In this 1974 book a practising scientist and gifted expositor sets forth an exciting point of view on the nature of science and how it works.
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  43. Adorno: Disenchantment and Ethics.J. M. Bernstein - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Theodor W. Adorno is best known for his contributions to aesthetics and social theory. Critics have always complained about the lack of a practical, political or ethical dimension to Adorno's philosophy. In this highly original contribution to the literature on Adorno, J. M. Bernstein offers the first attempt in any language to provide an account of the ethical theory latent in Adorno's writings. Bernstein relates Adorno's ethics to major trends in contemporary moral philosophy. He analyses the full range of Adorno's (...)
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  44. Lessen in de toekomst. Een redactionele inleiding op het thema.E. Dees & J. M. Waterreus - 2001 - Idee 22 (5):9.
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    Dynamic consistency in the logic of decision.Gerard J. Rothfus - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3923-3934.
    Arif Ahmed has recently argued that causal decision theory is dynamically inconsistent and that we should therefore prefer evidential decision theory. However, the principal formulation of the evidential theory, Richard Jeffrey’s Logic of Decision, has a mixed record of its own when it comes to evaluating plans consistently across time. This note probes that neglected record, establishing the dynamic consistency of evidential decision theory within a restricted class of problems but then illustrating how evidentialists can fall into sequential incoherence outside (...)
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    Grief as self-model updating.J. M. Araya - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    Philosophical discussion tends to converge on the view that narratives are at the center of the emotion of grief. In this article, I expand on this kind of view. On the one hand, I argue that key strands of phenomenological and neuroscientific studies suggest that grief consists in a complex emotional process of disconfirmation-and-updating of the narrative self-model. By heuristically drawing on an analogy between binocular rivalry and grief, I show that certain salient aspects of the phenomenology of grief, such (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Suffering injustice: Misrecognition as moral injury in critical theory.J. M. Bernstein - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (3):303 – 324.
    It is the persistence of social suffering in a world in which it could be eliminated that for Adorno is the source of the need for critical reflection, for philosophy. Philosophy continues and gains its cultural place because an as yet unbridgeable abyss separates the social potential for the relief of unnecessary human suffering and its emphatic continuance. Philosophy now is the culturally bound repository for the systematic acknowledgement and articulation of the meaning of the expanse of human suffering within (...)
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    Mathematical, astrological, and theological naturalism.J. M. Dieterle - 1999 - Philosophia Mathematica 7 (2):129-135.
    persuasive argument for the claim that we ought to evaluate mathematics from a mathematical point of view and reject extra-mathematical standards. Maddy considers the objection that her arguments leave it open for an ‘astrological naturalist’ to make an analogous claim: that we ought to reject extra-astrological standards in the evaluation of astrology. In this paper, I attempt to show that Maddy's response to this objection is insufficient, for it ultimately either (1) undermines mathematical naturalism itself, leaving us with only scientific (...)
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    Agency and Autonomy in Food Choice: Can We Really Vote with Our Forks?J. M. Dieterle - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (1):1-15.
    Ethical consumerism is the thesis that we should let our values determine our consumer purchases. We should purchase items that accord with our values and refrain from buying those that do not. The end goal, for ethical consumerism, is to transform the market through consumer demand. The arm of this movement associated with food choice embraces the slogan “Vote with Your Fork!” As in the more general movement, the idea is that we should let our values dictate our choices. In (...)
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    Emotion against reason? Self-control conflict as self-modelling rivalry.J. M. Araya - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-21.
    Divided-mind approaches to the conflict involved in self-control are pervasive. According to an influential version of the divided-mind approach, self-control conflict is a dispute between affective reactions and “cold” cognitive processes. I argue that divided-mind approaches are based on problematic bipartite architectural assumptions. Thus views that understand self-control as “control _of_ the self” might be better suited to account for self-control. I subsequently aim to expand on this kind of view. I suggest that self-control conflict involves a rivalry between narrative (...)
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